The Helper Project wouldn’t exist without the generosity of those who have
given their time and resources to support the Helper community.

Individual Donors
Keenan Barber
Karey & Brian Barker
Keith Bateman
Eric Bergeson
Mary Bonacci
Paul J. Bottino
Nick & Carol Brown
Jeff Cardon
Benjamin Cawley
Celeste & Paul Dalpiaz
Malarie & Gary DeVincent
John Douros
Nancy Elkins
John & Sandra Garrett
Shanel Gray
Kelly Harmond
Kris Holm
Jim & Kathy Jensen
Roy & Anne Jespersen
Christopher Johnson
Pam Juliano
John & Marcia Kaferle
Margaret & Bill Kanyusik
William Littig
Tom Lund
Peter & Michelle Morgan
Carol Morgan
Ron Mulberg
Michelle Newitt
Joyce Pierce
Lenise Peterman
Louis Pope
Ginny Pringle
Claire Proctor
Steve Proctor
Bert & Dani Roberts
Jeff Roberts
Kathryn Rukavina
Jeffrey Shaffer
Ben & Peggy Shapiro
Janice Sturgeon
Kate Sturgeon
Jim & Zibby Tozer
Rachel Walls
Christopher & Barbara Warnock
Domonique Watts
Camille & Justin Wheatley
Clint Whiting
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